August 9, 2007


Solipsism is proof that there's a term for everything. Somebody had to think up the word that describes that he doesn't believe others exist outside of his own imagination. Who the hell was he describing this state of mind to? His imaginary friends?

Anyway, I have two points here, neither of which are covered in that first paragraph. The first is that you won't live forever. This is a concept that I disagree with. Solipsism cannot be absolutely refuted; neither can the theory that somebody will live forever. Until every one of us dies, there is always the chance that someone will live forever. I've always hoped it would be me...but not in a Dorian Gray evil way, just a fun indestructible way.

The second point is that writing for a blog is sort of like solipsism. I'm writing for either imaginary people or just myself. I write the same thing whether you as readers exist or not and I can't completely prove that you exist outside of my mind. Please comment on that and I'll try to determine if those are manifestations of my thoughts or if you supposed readers actually exist.


Michael said...

Look up narcissism while you're at it...

snarky, too, I guess.

Cricket said...

But if I'm really a solipsist, that means that all of you Crapolians are actually in my head!.

EVK4 said...

Eeek, that's a disturbing thought. What if both you and Rick were Solipsists? Rick would be imagining you imagining that you were a solipsist imagining him imagining you?!?

Nested Solipsism? Is it possible?